英文:Chuangyee Belt ConveyorCleaner solves the trouble of conveying high temperature dry sticky materialsfor customers
Dongguan Chuangyee New Materials Co., Ltd. Network: www.cynew.com
(Please consult customer service staff for price) Belt conveyor has theadvantages of long distance, large capacity and continuous transportation. Itis the key e for efficient coal mining. Domestic coal belt conveyorshave been widely used in the 1990s. Although there are still gaps compared withforeign advanced belt conveyors, the use of domestic belt conveyors has indeedsolved the problems of domestic coal mining enterprises. Reality.
Customer problem: A coal company in Shanxi uses a domestic brandconveyor belt. The length of a single belt conveyor belt is 10km, the conveyorbelt width is 1200mm, and the conveyor belt speed is 4.5m/s. China's coalgeological conditions are different. The materials conveyed by the coalenterprise are high-temperature and relatively hard. Those high-temperature andsmall materials will not only adhere to the surface of the belt, but also leakunder the belt return section to increase the load again. The companyoriginally used a polyurethane scraper-type cleaner produced by a factory inChina, but the effect was poor. The performance was as follows: 1. The servicelife of the polyurethane scraper was too short, basically changed once in lessthan one month, the cutter head of the polyurethane scraper There is obviousbreakage; Second, high-temperature dry-viscous fine particles accumulate on theworking surface of the belt, which is also a test for the surface of the belt;Third, dry and sticky fine particles are piled up, dust is scattered, andenvironmental problems are difficult to solve. Fourth, the material accumulatedin the return belt has a large wear on the e, which seriously affectsthe production efficiency, increases the maintenance cost, and has potential safetyhazards.
Chuangyee Solution (1): Chuangyee engineers analyzed the reasons basedon the site conditions and recommended that the coal enterprise use a tungstencarbide steel cutter secondary cleaner. The tungsten carbide steel cutter headis resistant to high temperature and is suitable for the harsh environment ofthe enterprise to transport high-temperature dry-adhesive materials. Thecleaner is installed at the belt returning stage and has a particularlysuperior cleaning effect on the cleaning of the return material. The base ofthe scraper is made of polyurethane, which uses the buffering effect ofpolyurethane to maintain a constant pressure between the blade and the belt,effectively protecting the belt and less wear on the belt surface.
Chuangyee Solution (2): For the actual environment of the coalenterprise, Cuhangyee launched the second cleaning device solution: ChuangyeeCeramic Cleaner. Chuangyee Ceramic Cleaner is assembled with high-purityalumina ceramic block and high- stainless steel material. It isinstalled on the belt roller part in a diagonally inclined manner. It has highviscosity, high temperature corrosion, high temperature wear or hightemperature erosion and high speed. It is safe and reliable to use in theworking environment such as conveyor belt, and the effect of the cleaner isalso very good.
The final result: The coal company passed the trade-off, and finallychose the first option, using the Chuangyee tungsten carbide steel cleaner. Theperson in charge of the project subse reported that after using thetungsten carbide steel cutter head cleaner, the site environment wassignificantly improved. Chuangyee's scraper was also 6-8 times longer than theoriginal scraper life, which greatly saved the factory operation cost ande maintenance rate. Reduced, production efficiency is improved.Chuangyee tungsten carbide steel cleaner has a good cleaning effect on hightemperature dry sticky materials.
Dongguan Chuangyee New Materials Co., Ltd. For ten years, we onlyproduce and sell belt conveyor cleaners/polyurethane cleaner scrapers,scrapers, etc. please pay attention to our wechat public platform "Beltcleaner" or call // directly, we lookforward to your call.